Journey Groups
Throughout history, churches have employed using small groups to help those who need more of a personal way to walk in Jesus' footsteps in his mission. These groups have changed thousands of lives, allowing the church to grow, yet give the feel of a close-knit community at the same time. Unity's small group gatherings are called Journey Groups, and we have five different ones to choose from to fit into YOUR schedule! All are welcome!
A lo largo de la historia, las iglesias han empleado grupos pequeños para ayudar a aquellos que necesitan una manera más personal de seguir los pasos de Jesús en su misión. Estos grupos han cambiado miles de vidas, permitiendo que la iglesia crezca y, al mismo tiempo, den la sensación de una comunidad muy unida. Las reuniones de grupos pequeños de Unity se llaman Grupos de viaje, ¡y tenemos cinco diferentes para elegir que encajan en SU horario! ¡Todos son bienvenidos! |
Grupo de viaje en español/Spanish-Language Journey GroupA medida que nuestra congregación continúa creciendo, Unity da la bienvenida a los de otras culturas. Nuestro grupo en español está liderado por dos miembros: Josefa Puerta-Villacrez y Christina García. Se reúne en nuestro santuario a las 11:30 en domingos.
As our congregation continues to grow, Unity welcomes those of other cultures. Our Spanish-language group is led by two members: Josefa Puerta-Villacrez and Christina Garcia. It meets in our sanctuary at 11:30 a.m. on Sundays after service. |
Cross+Generational Journey GroupThis is the Journey Group for all ages - even young children! This is a great way for families to start their children down the path that Jesus laid for us, and even teach adults who want to learn his mission. The Kosmoski family hosts this group every other Sunday after our church service. Check this group's Facebook page for more details!
Unity Lutheran Church
1025 E Oklahoma Ave Milwaukee, WI 53207 Phone: 414-744-6311 [email protected] Schedule Sunday: 10:00am Liturgy Wednesday: 5:00- 6:00pm Food Pantry New: To-go meals are also available! Office Hours: 9am - 1pm Tuesdays - Thursdays |